The young superhero known as Singularity is a variable of considerable risk. Her powers seem akin to that of a black hole. Her abilities include gravity manipulation, flight, absorption of light and even the creation of wormholes. Sources indicate that she struggles to keep her abilities under complete control. If she were to ever fully lose control, it is unknown how much damage would be caused. Only that it would be significant.”

Singularity was originally made for a character concept class, where we were encouraged to focus on creating a character of a type we had not before. While I love comic books and their massive casts of colorful characters, I had never made one before. So I thought about what kind of character I wanted to make. It would be easy enough to create a Superman or a Captain America. You know, the ideal human who fights for what’s right and upholds morals for us all to look up too. Which is all well and good, but that wasn’t… tragic enough.

The characters I found my mind going back to were the ones who, no matter how much good they do, they can’t escape their self-doubt about who they are. Characters like Scarlet Witch, Raven, Orphan just to name a few. I wanted to make a character who reflected that self-doubt. Someone with command of this massive power, but who is so crippled by fear of that same power. She can do so much with it, save so many. But what if? What if one day she loses control of her powers? What if it could destroy everything and everyone she loves? Would it be worth the risk?


Asako Yamaoto: Cyber Ronin


Goddess of Sea and Darkness